Movie reviews for kids a x l
Movie reviews for kids a x l

movie reviews for kids a x l

In countries such as the United States, films with strong sexual content tend to be restricted to older viewers, though those same films are very often considered suitable for all ages in countries such as France and Germany. The influence of specific factors in deciding a rating varies from country to country. Even if the film rating system has no legal consequences, and a film has not explicitly been restricted or banned, there are usually laws forbidding certain films, or forbidding minors to view them. In most countries, however, films that are considered morally offensive have been censored, restricted, or banned.

movie reviews for kids a x l

In countries such as Australia and Singapore, an official government body decides on ratings in other countries such as the United States, it is done by industry committees with little if any official government status.

#Movie reviews for kids a x l movie#

Age recommendations, of either an advisory or restrictive capacity, are often applied in lieu of censorship in some jurisdictions movie theaters may have a legal obligation to enforce restrictive ratings. Most countries have some form of rating system that issues determinations variously known as certifications, classifications, certificates, or ratings. Rates the suitability of movies to its audienceĪ motion picture content rating system is an organization designated to classify films based on their suitability for audiences due to their treatment of issues such as sex, violence, or substance abuse their use of profanity or other matters typically deemed unsuitable for children or adolescents.

Movie reviews for kids a x l